Energy Work Progress (6/18/18)

I hope everyone had a wonderful father’s day, or Sunday depending on your unique situations. But it’s now a new week which means new things for me to look into and explore. I realized that I had not been updating anyone on my progress through all of my energy work books! So it fix that I am writing up this little recap of how things have been going so far. 20180614_220409

First, I have found The Witch’s Bag of Tricks by Melanie Marquis to be the most helpful thing on my shelf right now! Considering I have a basic understanding of a lot of the concepts that are gone over in the 101 books, I dived a bit deeper into the Witch’s Bag of Tricks so to speak. This book has been amazing. The concept behind the book is to take those who have already formed a basic understanding of witchcraft, magick, and their own personal practice yet have found themselves floundering in their move forward. It’s about feeling stuck, unmotivated, and frustrated about how nothing seems to work.

Considering a large part of my journey has been rejuvenating my relationship with witchcraft, ritual, and magick, this book has been amazing in helping me figure out what went wrong and how to change that. I’m only six chapters in because each chapter takes its time having its readers really think about the concept they are going over. Some chapter exercise questions take me 5 minutes to answer. Others can take me hours of thinking and pondering. These have been truly helpful in showing me not only what I find important for myself, but my doubts and fears that stop me from doing more. I have found these journaling exercises to be the most helpful thing for me and I would recommend this to any one.

I have done some work with the other books. Mya Om’s ” Energy Essentials” does a great job in prepping people to doing more and more energy work, but a lot of it I have already covered years ago when I was a tiny little witchling trying to learn everything I could get my hands on. I’m surprised how much I remembered when looking over all of the books. It made things easier and harder for me. Easier because I could move on faster. Harder because they didn’t hold my interest as long. That however is more of a me problem than anything else.

So I’m learning a lot more about myself and my relationship with energy than doing energy work exercises. But, this type of work has been amazing for me. It has done a lot to help me understand my own mindset and the way it interacts with the energy around and within myself. As such, I have found my own simple energy tricks (like the energy ball I shared awhile back) a lot easier to accomplish. I am more in tune with myself and my surroundings.

So, I’m still working on my energy work. Just not exactly how I initially imaged I would, but maybe that’s a good thing. Just got to let things happen and work with it.





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